Dil Kaybını Anlamak Neden ve Nasıl Çift Dilli Bireyler Bir Dilini Kaybeder? İnsanlar yeni bir yere taşındıklarında, yeni bir işe başladıklarında veya yakın bir aile üyesini kaybettiklerinde, dillerini farklı kullanmaya başlayabilirler. İkinci dillerini ilk dillerinden […]
Read MoreTag: #billingual
Understanding Language Loss
Understanding Language Loss Why and how do bilinguals lose a language? When people move to a new place, start a new job, or lose a close family member, they may start using their languages differently. […]
Read MoreAm I failing? Başarısız mıyım?
I have 7 and 3-year-old boys and feel like I am failing with their Turkish language. I grew up speaking OPOL myself (Turkish, Japanese) and English was my foreign language which worked well for me. […]
Read MoreConfusion-Karışıklık
We are a Turkish/English-speaking family and would like to raise our daughter bilingually. My husband and I speak both languages. How can we teach her both languages without confusing her? 1) I am the native […]
Read MoreHave I started too late?- Çok mu geç başladım?
How can I teach my child a second/third language at the age of fıve? Have I started too late? My wife is German. My Turkish is good. We were both born and raised in the […]
Read MoreCode switching in interactional contexts: That’s what bilinguals do!
Do you or your child mix up languages in a sentence, in a context, or in an environment? Good news! That is nothing bad. That’s what researchers claim. It’s a very natural behavior for bilingual […]
Read MoreBest Time to Learn Turkish- Yeni dil öğrenmenin en iyi vakti
When is the best season for your child to start learning a new language? Fall: The new school year begins. Every new activity needs to be scheduled for our children before they fall into a routine […]
Read MoreIkidillilik
İki dilli programların sadece İngilizce öğrenmek için değil, kültürler arası yeterlilikten bilişsel esnekliğe kadar birçok alanda etkili olduğu gösterilmiştir. Why biliteracy programs are needed more than ever
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