
Switching Languages


Switching between languages is common in bilingual families. When children hear their parents mix languages, they strengthen important brain functions even before they can speak their first word.

Take a look at the illustration above.

This image blends human and abstract shapes, which can be seen in different ways. Can you see a man? Or just shapes? With a little effort, you might see both. This kind of image is called an ambiguous figure, and how you see it can change based on what details you focus on. When you focus on the man, you may not notice the shapes as much, and vice versa.

Bilingual children may find it easier to switch between these images because they regularly exercise the part of their brain that helps them switch languages.

But how do babies tell different languages apart?

For a long time, experts thought exposing babies to more than one language would confuse them and slow their development. However research shows the opposite is true.

Each language has about 40 unique sounds, called “phonemes,” that make up its vocabulary. At birth, babies can hear and understand the sounds from every language, which helps them learn any language they hear in the womb and after birth.

Babies also learn to tell languages apart by noticing the rhythm, stress on certain syllables, and mouth movements of the people speaking.

As children get older, their ability to hear these sounds becomes more limited. The later a child starts learning a second language, the harder it is for them to get the sounds right and avoid a noticeable accent.

So, never hesitate to teach your child other languages, especially if you want to pass down your heritage language.


What other tips do you have for making Turkish language omnipresent at home? Share your story!

For more language-learning tips and inspiration, visit our blog: merhabakids Blog

Read more about “Bilingualism” in our blog.

If you want to learn more about accents, keep reading here!

What about you? What do you experience? Share with us!


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For more language-learning tips and inspiration, visit our blog: merhabakids Blog

Read more about “Bilingualism” in our blog.

If you want to learn more. What about this blog: Is it ever too late to learn Turkish?

What about you? What do you experience? Share with us!


Keep following us, it’s worth it! You are giving your child the best gift!


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